I figured Olivia was getting better. The fevers were gone and she was starting to actually sleep again. So yesterday we had Macey (Olivia's cousin) over. I thought it was weird that Olivia did more crying then playing. I blamed it on the fact that I was showing attention to another baby. But when I went to get her up from her nap she was burning up. I caught a glimpse of her belly and it was bright red!! She was covered in a rash. Of course I did what most mothers would do....I panicked! I didn't know if I had given her something that had caused such a vile reaction or what. I immediately called my mom (for support) and we drove to the doctor. It turns out that my poor little girl had a serious sinus infection, ear infection, and almost strep throat. I sat in the doctors office and cried. How could I be so oblivious to how she was feeling, how could I have let it go that far? The rash it turned out was hives. Her body was so sick that it reacted by spreading hives. Which were a blessing because if it wasn't for the hives I probably still would be oblivious.
I do feel awful but after a strong dose of antibiotics, benadryl (for the hives), tylenol (for the fever) she is almost back to her old self already. It amazes me how resilient children are. Yesterday she could barely lift her head and today you can't keep her down. We were able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful sunshine. It made such a big difference. It's weird how I didn't realize how sick she was but now that she is back to her cheerful self I really don't understand how I couldn't have noticed. Once again a perfect example of what a great mother I am.