Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Life Goes On

Well I know it has been forever since my last post. I'd like to blame it on the fact that my Internet hasn't been working, but who are we kidding? Even if my Internet was working the fact is I'm pretty lazy. So what have we been up to? Swimming, playing with friends, bike rides, going to the fair, visiting doctors, trying to take a lot of naps! See that's why I don't need to blog it's probably pretty boring stuff for most of you with exciting lives.

Anyway Saturday my Uncle Gary invited the fam up to his cabin in the Uintahs. It was a PERFECT day to be up there. So beautiful and cool enough for a jacket! I love spending time with Gary and his wife Leslie. They are so layed back and fun to talk to. Olivia had fun following Nic, Bampa, and Gary around. Here are some fun pictures of the day. Also I can not take credit for the pictures. Nic took them all and was sweet enough to share them. He's becoming quite the photographer I guess he got all the talent in the family.

Grandma and Olivia showing off their red liquorice tongues.

My dad never stops smiling when Olivia is around. I love it!

Uncle Gary talking to Olivia about life. If anybody wonders what side of the family she got her curly hair from your question has been answered.

Olivia grabbed her fishing pole, looked over her shoulder and said, "Bye I'm goin' fishin'!" And off she went across the bridge.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pretty Hair

On Thursday Olivia got her first hair cut. She was growing a tail and I finally realized it needed to be stopped. My BFF Kacy did the cutting and she did a great job. Especially since Olivia had a hard time keeping her head still. Olivia loves Kacy so much. Every morning she asks, "Where's Kacy Jo?" Every time Olivia knows Kacy is close by she has to call her name over & over until Kacy responds. I'm sure it gets annoying but Kacy is always so sweet. Olivia loved her hair cut and that night she kept rubbing her head and saying, "Pretty hair huh?!"

Thanks for the hair cut Kacy!

Exciting News!

Well by now I'm sure most of my blog buddies know that Olivia is going to be a big sister! We found out on July 3rd and it's been so very hard to keep it a secret. We were able to get an ultra-sound last Wednesday and that made things seem a little more real. My due date is March 6th although I'm sure I will be started a couple weeks early due to the fact I have big babies. Olivia still doesn't really understand but when I ask her where mommies baby is she points to my stomach and says, "right there!" I can't wait to see how she does at being a big sister. I'd like to say thanks to my friends who listened to me complain about how long it was taking to get pregnant. I'm sure they got sick of hearing me talk about it but they helped me through it a lot more then they know. So thank you for all your support!
Oh and I have a picture but it isn't that great so I'll wait until the baby is a little bigger then a peanut to post pictures.