Monday, June 23, 2008

Simply Beautiful

All to often I find myself thinking or saying, "I'll be happy when we have more money", "when I lose 5 lbs." , "when we're out of debt","when we have a bigger house" ,"when we have another baby." Well in my on-going battle to better myself, I have decided to stop saying "maybe when" and it actually worked! I had one of the best weekends. Nothing out of the ordinary happened but I found myself enjoying the simple things.
Saturday morning Nic & I went on a bike ride. Being on my bike gives me an absolute freedom that I cannot find anywhere else. On my bike nobody is judging me, I don't feel the need to please, and the only sound I pay attention to is the wheels as they move me forward. I can't believe I waited so long to get a bike it has fulfilled a part of me I was missing. I know that sounds silly but I'm sure anyone who has a hobby that they feel passionate about can appreciate what I'm trying to say. I also love riding because I get to spend time with Nic. I love how he encourages me even when I know I'm going waaaayyy to slow for him. Still he peddles slowly and stays with me.
Later that day I got to spend time with my mom. Watching my mom giggle while Olivia ate ice cream made me smile. My mother has a hard time showing emotion so to see her express happiness with Olivia makes my heart happy.
That evening me, Cody, & Olivia decided to picnic at the park. Simple as it was I was so happy. I sat on our blanket and watched Olivia and Cody chase the segals away from our dinner. Olivia looked at Cody with so much love it reminded me why I married him.
Sunday we took a ride up to the Uintahs. We ended up running into my dad and grandma up at Trial Lake. What a beautiful day!! The lake was sparkling, the sun was shining, and the fish were biting. Cody caught 3 he was so proud of himself it was great. I sat on the rocks and watched as Olivia chased my dad around yelling, "bampa!!" My dad was smiling ear to ear. My grandma has had a really hard time in the last 5 years. So to see her happy and smiling always makes me feel wonderful. It was a perfect day and weekend.
I realize this isn't an exciting post. No cute Olivia pictures but I felt the need to express my gratitude for all these simply beautiful things in my life.


"Jo" in many sizes said...

Oh I want some of what you are having. I too am waiting for something. What? Thanks for posting about this. You have motivated me to slow down and enjoy.

Jenn said...

It is nice to enjoy the simple things in life. All too often we overlook them.