Well by now I'm sure most of my blog buddies know that Olivia is going to be a big sister! We found out on July 3rd and it's been so very hard to keep it a secret. We were able to get an ultra-sound last Wednesday and that made things seem a little more real. My due date is March 6th although I'm sure I will be started a couple weeks early due to the fact I have big babies. Olivia still doesn't really understand but when I ask her where mommies baby is she points to my stomach and says, "right there!" I can't wait to see how she does at being a big sister. I'd like to say thanks to my friends who listened to me complain about how long it was taking to get pregnant. I'm sure they got sick of hearing me talk about it but they helped me through it a lot more then they know. So thank you for all your support!
Oh and I have a picture but it isn't that great so I'll wait until the baby is a little bigger then a peanut to post pictures.
May 25, 2016. Last Day of School!
8 years ago
Yes this is very exciting. Judging by how Olivia is with Hadley, she will be an excellent big sister.
You are such a good mommy. I am so happy for you, and pray everything goes well, wich Im sure it will.
Congrats again! I am excited to be pregnant with you again. It always makes it more fun to share the experience with someone.
At least Olivia knows your baby is in your stomach. Collin seems to think that the baby is growing in my boobs and points to them--no matter how many times I show him my tummy!
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