Monday, September 22, 2008

Just Me and My Mom

For my moms birthday this year, I thought it would be fun to buy her tickets to Tuachan in St. George. So this weekend her and I made the trip down there. It was such a fun little getaway. It was the first time I have left Olivia over night but I knew she was in good hands with Cody. I really needed a little time away from her actually. I do love her so much but being pregnant and trying to keep up with a 2 year old is making me a beast. So we left Saturday (early) morning and got to St. George around 1. It has been such a long time since I have been to St. George I can't believe how much it has changed. We shopped, and shopped, and shopped some more. Then Saturday night we went to Tuachan to see Les Miserables. Holy Crap! It was amazing. I suggest anyone who can see it do so. Seeing a play outside against the beautiful red rock canyon is something I will never forget. But unfortunately for everyone else I forgot my camera so just close your eyes and imagine it I guess. The play even exceeded my expectations and brought me to tears more then once (not that it's hard to do right now). Then on Sunday we did even more shopping and headed home. We both ate like we had never ate before and I don't regret a single calorie I put in my mouth or the pounds that I gained. It has been such a long time since my mom and I have been able to get away just the two of us and it was perfect. I am so grateful to have a mom that doubles as my best friend. She's amazing in so many ways and I thank her for a great weekend!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

IT'S A................

Well we went to the Dr. yesterday and found out that we are having a baby boy! Even though I have known since the beginning that it's a boy it was still so great to see the little guy movin' around in there. We are totally excited and now we have 5 months to fight about what to name him. So if anybody has any suggestions we are open to them. The middle name has already been decided, Manuel. Yes I know it's a little different but it's the name that is on Cody's birth certificate and he would really like to use it and even though I don't love the name I know it has a very deep meaning for Cody so we're going to make it work!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well the Labor Day weekend came and went so fast. We did a lot of fun things and it always makes me sad when a weekend is over and Cody has to go back to work and I have to go back to reality.
Friday my mom & I (and Olivia) took our annual trip up to Swiss Days in Midway. It was a lot of fun but it was a very long, hot day. After shopping all day at Swiss Days we also stopped by the Park City outlets and picked up Olivia a bunch of cute clothes. So we didn't get home until 9:30 that evening. We started sorting our stuff out of the car and I realized that the baby sling that I bought at Swiss Days was nowhere to be found. Now I don't know if it was all the sun I got that day, lack of sleep, tired feet, or hormones but I lost it. I started bawling uncontrollably like I had just lost my wedding ring. We did a double check of bags and came to the conclusion that it must have fallen out of the stroller somehow or somebody took it. Either way I cried all night long. It's not like it was that expensive but expensive enough to somebody who rarely has money. So imagine my surprise when my perfect dad called me Saturday morning from Swiss Days. He had driven all the way up there, fought of hoards of crazy women just to buy me another damn baby sling. I just couldn't believe he would do that for me. I mean I never would have asked but he went up there willingly and later said, "I actually enjoyed it, I wish I would've had more time to shop!" Honestly just wanted to share that story because he is such a wonderful dad he made my whole weekend by doing that for me.
Okay on with it Tiff. Saturday evening we drove up above the B to have a fire with a friend from Cody's work. It was so much fun! The storm was starting to roll in so we were able to watch all the lightning from on top of the mountain and Olivia got to roll around in dirt, eat marshmallows, and boss a little boy around.
Yesterday we were able to have Cody's family over for a BBQ. Nothing else makes me realize how small my house is then having his entire huge family over. It was a lot of fun though and we don't get together very often so it was nice to have that opportunity.
It was a fun weekend and I loved the storms. I'm definitely not ready for winter but the cooler weather is feeling so nice.
Okay what did I leave out???? OH!!! Saturday morning my little girl pooped in the big toilet for the first time! She always tells me she has to go potty but I normally ignore her. So Saturday I put her on the toilet and a big surprise! I of course started crying (again) and laughing and called everyone I could think of to let them know. We rewarded her by going out and letting her pick her own potty and some big girl undies. Yes I know it will be a long while until she is ready to say goodbye to diapers but I just want to get her excited about the potty. Of course she picked out the potty that plays the most annoying music humanly possible. So all day long she pushes the button and dances around the potty. Still haven't had any luck getting her to use it how it's suppose to be used. Silly girl! I'm amazed at how much she is growing up. She's not a baby anymore and it breaks my heart, but I love being able to actually have a conversation with her it makes me so happy.

So she picked out this Tu-Tu at Swiss Days and hasn't taken' it off since. She likes to put it on and dance around her new potty.

Another new favorite of Olivia's is climbing into the sink, getting as much soap as possible and washing her hands over, and over, and over. I left her too long this time and she got sick of washing her hands and decided to wash the mirror instead. She was really proud of herself.