There have been too many times this year that I have struggled to find something to be thankful for. And for this I feel sad. It shouldn't take a day like thanksgiving to make me realize all the many blessings I have. Yes it has been an EXTREMELY challenging year for me and my family but I have a family. Not just any family MY family. A wonderful husband who has been beside me through all the heartache, tears, and heartburn. He works so incredibly hard so I am able to stay home with my babies and for that I am truly thankful. My beautiful daughter. Tears come to my eyes when I think of how fast she has grown. I don't know how it happened but she is already 3 going on 16. My handsome little boy. Again how the time flies. I cannot believe that he is crawling around and for the very first time yesterday (perfect) he said "mom". I know I sound like the grinch when I complain about Christmas coming too soon. My reasoning is this; there is only one day a year that is set aside for us to think of all we are thankful for. Just ONE day. And that to me is not enough. So do me a little favor and remember Thanksgiving this year. Not just on Thanksgiving but maybe throughout the year when you might be having a hard time thinking of something to be thankful for.

1 comment:
Great post Tiff, seems we go from Halloween to Christmas in a blink.
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