Monday, November 9, 2009


Just in case you didn't get enough pictures of my kids in the last post I decided to spotlight my little 8 month old baby boy. I can't believe he is 8 months old (almost 9). This year with him has gone by so fast. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect baby. He's always happy to see just about anyone. And he makes my day every time he smiles. He has now started crawling and getting in to EVERYTHING. He is going to be a handful. So much more then Olivia was I think. He is also trying to pull himself up on things but doesn't quite have the balance for it yet so he ends up falling over and bumping his head a couple hundred times a day. We love you baby Caleb.

8 months old and getting his first hair cut already! Kacy did an awesome job. His hair is already growing in thicker.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

He is so dang cute! I could eat him up. I am looking forward to seeing him in action tomorrow ... and time really does fly!

You guys have been up to so much. I don't know why you are always amazed with me ... check out all that you have done! Love the Halloween costumes. Cute little trick or treaters!