Sunday, March 30, 2008

Friday Family Fun

Friday night we took Olivia to the South Davis Recreation Center for some swimming. I wasn't sure how well she would do but it turned out great. She shivered the whole time because she was cold but she was so happy and excited to be doing something fun with Cody & I. I ended up having allot more fun then I thought I would. Although thanks to some 16 year old boys (who I don't think should be allowed in the kiddy pool) my hair got wet which made it a cold trip home. It was worth it though to give Olivia a fun outing. Hopefully we start making these outings a weekly thing as well.


Lately I have been doing allot of soul searching. Well I'm not sure if it's necessarily soul searching but searching for something I am missing. Anyway I'll get to my point. I've always found that I do my best thinking outside. So Friday morning I woke up and took Olivia and Bazil to the Kaysville Pond for a little nature walk. Okay so I-15 is right there but I still found beauty and it's one of the few places left that hasn't banned dogs. Olivia loved watching the "quacks" dive into the pond. Bazil was in dog heaven. You can tell that Bazil doesn't get out much. I tried to take a picture of her but they were all to blurry. She didn't stop running until we packed up and left. It was allot of fun and I think I will try to pick a new destination every week. Not only will I get some exercise but maybe I'll find what it is I think I'm missing. Just a few suggestions for those of you who are thinking of taking a baby and a dog on a nature walk: Find a stroller that does well off-road or you might be a little sore, even better take a baby back-pack. Don't let your dog roll around on the ground it might just turn out that she's rolling in a dead animal and when you get back from enjoying nature you will spend 2 hours bathing the dog, washing your car, and vacuuming your house.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We had a pretty quiet Easter Sunday this year. The Easter Bunny visited Olivia. I'm not sure if she was really excited or not but I was! Later in the day we went to my Grandma Higby's for a delicious ham dinner. Olivia again was visited by another Easter Bunny named Grandma Sells. She is so loved! It was a fun weekend of festivities. I didn't get any easter dress pictures so maybe soon.

Olivia's favorite present from the Easter Bunny was the Bee Movie. We watched it Sunday night and the whole time she was saying, "Eeeeewww Bees!!" She is fascinated with "bees" (bugs) right now because our house is slowly being taken over by fire bugs.

Grandma Sells out did herself again!

First time trying a Peep. She didn't like it.

Coloring Easter Eggs

Saturday we did our annual egg dying party with Kacy, Brent & Hadley. It was so much fun. It made me realize that I need to be a better friend and invite people over more. Olivia loves playing with Hadley. They had a blast eating dye and pushing each other around. Cute Girls!! For those of you who read my blog and Kacy's blog some of these pictures might look familiar but too bad.

Olivia getting some help from Uncle "Gick"
Olivia had to have the Winnie the Pooh dying kit. She was more interested in the stickers then the eggs.

What crafty boys!!
Cleaning up after the fun.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Is it Over Yet!? **Caution Long Story***

Well after reading my last post I swore that my next post would be more positive. That might not happen. Last Thursday Cody came home from work looking, and sounding like death. He went straight to bed. He tried desperately to go to work on Friday but he couldn't even walk. He didn't get out of bed until 5 p.m. Friday evening. I felt so bad for him. I don't think I have ever seen him that sick. I figured he had finally caught the horrible stuff that Olivia and I had just had. But then something happened. I woke up Saturday with a sore throat, and achy body. What was going on?? I was just getting better!!! Well to make a long story short I caught the flu from Cody. I haven't been that sick for a long time. I had to call my mom and have her take me to the doctor on Monday. I know I'm an adult but I couldn't even walk let alone drive. The doctor told me I had a horrible case of the "influenza" and a sinus infection (probably what I had first). I can't express enough thanks to my mom for helping me out. She took Olivia for me and cleaned my house. Tuesday my sweet sister-in-law took Olivia so I could get more rest. I don't know what I would do without such supportive friends and family. So while everyone else has been enjoying the beautiful weather I've been cooped up inside. I've been on the good drugs for a few days now and I am feeling a lot better. Still not ready to jog around the neighborhood but yesterday I did manage to take Olivia to the park. She was so happy to be out. I really have been trying to think positive the last few months but I'm not gonna lie and say it's been easy. In fact yesterday I had a total breakdown. But you know in the middle of me feeling sorry for myself my beautiful little girl put her arm around me and kissed me on the cheek and I realized I am going to be all right. I might not have money, health, or beauty but I have Olivia and that always seems to pull me out of the darkness. I LOVE YOU OLIE!!!