Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Coloring Easter Eggs

Saturday we did our annual egg dying party with Kacy, Brent & Hadley. It was so much fun. It made me realize that I need to be a better friend and invite people over more. Olivia loves playing with Hadley. They had a blast eating dye and pushing each other around. Cute Girls!! For those of you who read my blog and Kacy's blog some of these pictures might look familiar but too bad.

Olivia getting some help from Uncle "Gick"
Olivia had to have the Winnie the Pooh dying kit. She was more interested in the stickers then the eggs.

What crafty boys!!
Cleaning up after the fun.


Jenn said...

Looks like a good time!

"Jo" in many sizes said...

Woo-wee. Yes, can't wait for more bbq's and messy bubble baths!

Kare Bear said...

These two girls are so cute together. Kacy showed me some pictures of them in the tub also!!!