Well we leave for Washington D.C. early Thursday morning. I should be packing, cleaning my house, or doing something. But here I sit on my butt, a true example of my motivational short comings. I wish I could be more like my friends. Kacy would have created some awesome book to keep her daughter busy on the plane. She probably would've started it 6 months ago and had it ready to entertain. Jenny would probably have done research about Washington and found all the fun places to go with kids and planned out precisely how to get there, and what to do there. Then there is me, I'll start packing tomorrow evening and end up getting 2 hours of sleep and wonder why I'm in such a bad mood on the plane. I just wish I could be more organized and creative. Maybe I'll just take Olivia into the bathroom on the plane and let her play. That seems to be her favorite place to be anyway. She can shove toilet paper down the toilet and flush repeatedly while someone who actually needs to use the bathroom waits outside the door and wonders what is going on. That actually isn't a bad idea. I guess if I get desperate enough that will be my plan. That is of course if I survive the ride myself. I might need to be highly medicated. I'm terrified of flying. I've already pictured the plane bursting into flames as we all plummet to our death. So in case that happens I hope you all know I love you. We don't have wills written up so you'll just have to fight over all our many valuables (hee hee). Okay enough rambling I know we will be fine and it's going to be an awesome trip.
In other news, today I took Olivia to get pictures taken' for Father's day. You know I think she is beautiful everyday. But for some reason these pictures just really made me realize just how beautiful she is becoming. I can't believe something that perfect could come from 2 imperfect people. It's truly amazing. Right before we left I was gathering up our things when I went to grab her she was dipping her feet into the toilet water. I have no idea how she got on the toilet without falling in but there she was straddling the toilet and cooling off. Luckily she didn't get her outfit wet or it wouldn't have been as cute or funny. I know the pictures are going to be hard to see but I had to share some of them anyway.

Holy cow, I didn't realize that you were leaving so soon. You are going to have such a good time. I had no idea that you were afraid of flying. Everything is going to be fine. It really is safer than driving--Logan tells me that almost everyday. BTW I may have my whole trip planned out, but I am still frantically trying to clean my house and pack everything up until the wee hours of the morning.
I love Olivia's pictures. They turned out so stinkin' cute. Where did you have them done? I want to get my kids pictures taken, but I want to try somewhere new. I haven't had their pictures taken since Collin was 6 months old. I am a horrible mom in that area. Sorry this comment is so long...it has been a while since we have talked.
no i wouldn't have. I would be running to the store at midnight to buy baby benedryl, only to have it backfire in my face and it would make her super hyper, to where she screams and head butts me all the way on the plane. Oh wait, that's every day, the head butt part.
You guys will have so much fun. I would love to be getting away. But for me, alone. no hubby, no baby. just me. and ice cream.
K those pictures are so cute! Your thoughts about the flight make me laugh!! Why? Because I think the same things when ever we go somewhere and it is even worse when you leave your kids behind. You will have fun and I am excited to hear all about it.
Ok. Waiting for picts of Tina and Dolly....Get on it lady! I want to see picts of your whole trip!!!
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