First sled ride. As you can tell she was scared. She laughed when we finally stopped. We asked her if she wanted to go down again and she said, "NO!!!"
First sled ride. As you can tell she was scared. She laughed when we finally stopped. We asked her if she wanted to go down again and she said, "NO!!!"
Since Olivia is constently saying new things I'm going to type a few down so I can remember.
*LET ME HELP YOU! (this means let me do it myself or I'm going to throw a fit!)
*DAMNIT! (I have no idea where she would learn something like that)
*CUZ example: "Olivia why don't you want to go to the store?"......... "Cuz I don't want to go to the store"
*I SO LOVE YOU (melts my heart everytime)
Cody, My Dad, And Brother have been doing a lot of back packing this year. I'm glad that they all enjoy doing this together. They took a trip up to Cliff Lake a few weeks ago and Cody took some good pictures of that as well. Maybe one day I'll get up the courage to hike with them but for now I have the pictures to enjoy.
This is Cody's "Self Portrait" He said he took it in case he didn't make it back. Anyway I think he looks cute. Or should I say handsome?
Apparently the fish don't get very big because of the high altitude. Or at least that was the excuse I was given.
So she picked out this Tu-Tu at Swiss Days and hasn't taken' it off since. She likes to put it on and dance around her new potty.
Another new favorite of Olivia's is climbing into the sink, getting as much soap as possible and washing her hands over, and over, and over. I left her too long this time and she got sick of washing her hands and decided to wash the mirror instead. She was really proud of herself.
Grandma and Olivia showing off their red liquorice tongues.
My dad never stops smiling when Olivia is around. I love it!
Uncle Gary talking to Olivia about life. If anybody wonders what side of the family she got her curly hair from your question has been answered.
Olivia grabbed her fishing pole, looked over her shoulder and said, "Bye I'm goin' fishin'!" And off she went across the bridge.