Thursday, April 24, 2008

Well it's finally gone!!! Cody came in from mowing the lawn last week and decided he was done with the mop on his head. I was so dang excited! I think Cody had tears in his eyes. He has some weird emotional attachment with his hair. He says he is growing it out again which doesn't make me happy but I guess I can just enjoy the shaved head for now. I would've taken a picture of the end result but it was taking too long.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Buddy

Okay I tried to go without talking about Olivia but I just can't do it! Lately she has been my little shadow. She follows me everywhere and wants to do what I am doing. Yesterday while working in the garden she wanted to sit on my lap the whole time and narrate for me. "A Bug!" "A Burfly!" "Car!" "Airplane!" "Rock!" She is getting quite the vocabulary she amazes me everyday. Her new favorite word is "okay." The other day I was cutting up some pineapple and I cut my finger. I screamed "OUCH!" Olivia ran over to me, looked up and said, "Shoot mum you okay?" I almost died it was so cute. I could go on and on until my fingers bleed but I won't. I just love her and love having a little buddy everywhere I go.

3 Years!!!!

Well Cody and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary yesterday. We have only been married 3 years but together almost 9! It was a fun day. Cody was off work so we just did some shopping, got lunch, and spent time working in the yard. You know you love someone when it makes you happy just to know they took the day off work to be with you. Cody surprised me and got a babysitter in the evening and we went out to dinner and took a drive. A much needed night out for sure.
Of course I can't help but reminiscing about our wedding day. I will never forget anything about that day. The second best day of my life so far (1st being the day I had Olivia). Having every person that I love all together, having a fun time. I wish I could do it again. A few of my favorite moments were: getting a big hug from my dad right before walking me down the isle him telling me that he was proud of me and always would be, walking down the isle and looking at Cody's face while he tried not to cry, watching my dad dance to James Brown at the reception I still giggle every time I hear "I feel good!"
Anyway I know this is getting cheesy so I'll wrap it up. I love you Cody thanks for being a great husband, father, and best friend. Here's to many more anniversary's!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Kacy Tagged Me So Here Ya Go!

What were you doing 5 years ago?

5 years ago Cody & I were not together. I was going to school (one math class), working, going out with Kacy and friends. I wasn't happy and didn't know anything about myself. It was a very hard time of life for me. But I'm glad it all happened.

5 things on my List of To-do Today

1. work-out (accomplished by some miracle)
2. walk the dogs (got this done as well)
3. Laundry (workin' on it)
4. Yard Work
5. Take a much dredded trip to Wal-Mart

5 Snacks I love:
1.Movie Theatre Popcorn
2.Chips & Salsa
3. Fruit cream (is that a snack?)
5.Goldfish Crackers

5 Things I would do if I became a Billionaire:
2.Pay off all my debt
3. Buy a small but cute house on a bunch of land and get some horses
4. Make my parents retire and buy them anything they want
5. Try to find a charity to get involved with---No More Homeless Pets
--This list could be alot longer---

5 bad habits:
1. Complaining
2. Comparing myself to others
3. Being un-motivated
4. Lack of self confidence
5. Not being happy with all that I'm blessed with.

5 places I have lived

2. Kaysville
3. Salt Lake
5. That's it!

5 Jobs I have had:
1.Robintino's (bus girl and eventually hostess)
2. Bisys
3. AppleTree Assisted Living
5.South Davis Community Hospital,

Tag you are it.
(That's the only people I know who havn't already been tagged)

Monday, April 14, 2008


For a few years I have wanted to go up to Thanksgiving Point during the tulip festival. Finally Saturday we decided it was time to go check it out and hopefully get some family pictures. It was beautiful but I didn't see one tulip. Well I take that back I saw alot of tulips coming out of the ground but none that had opened up yet. I just wish they would've warned us before we paid $30 to get in. It still was alot of fun and now we have an excuse to go back in a few weeks. Olivia ran non-stop the whole time we were there. Everytime she would bend down to smell a flower she'd give it a big sniff, wrinkle her nose, and say, "EWWWWWWWW!" I guess she thinks they stink. Here is a sampling of the pictures. The pictures of the family were taken by my brother so I'll have to post those later if any of them turned out.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ms. Turman

This morning I was cleaning and I could hear Olivia babbling away in her room. So I decided to peek in and see what she was up to. She was sitting in her rocking chair, reading herself a book with her Mr. Potato Head glasses on. She looked up at me and said, "hey." I couldn't stop laughing. Lately I really think I need to go get a job so we have some money, but then I would miss all these silly little moments and I think I'm too selfish to let someone else enjoy them. Day after day I realize that I am so blessed to be able to stay home and watch Olivia grow. I might not be able to stay home full-time for long so I am not going to take any minute for grantet.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The New Turman

Last Thursday my brother-in-law & his wife added an 8 lb. 3 oz. little boy to the family. They named him Nathan Michael Turman. He is of course very cute. Congratulations Marc and Sara!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

More Please

Thursday night we invited my good friend Jenny and her family over for dinner. It was allot of fun. Well we had fun hopefully they did. Jenny (I know she likes Jenn better but I've always called her Jenny...sorry Jenny) and I have been friends since we were 2 or 3. We were joined at the hip until high school. Those who know me know that I had a rough time in high school and I wasn't a very good friend. Needless to say Jenny has always been a great friend to me. Even when we weren't really hanging out she never missed one of my birthdays. I always looked forward to her "birthday call" because sometimes it was the only time I'd talk to her the whole year. I didn't do anything to deserve these sweet calls because I wasn't very sweet back. Jenny and her husband Logan live in Kaysville which is close to our home so we are able to get together allot more and it's awesome. Jenny has two adorable kids; Collin & Sophie. Sophie is 3 1/2 and Collin is 20 months (11 days older then Olivia). Collin & Olivia are becoming the cutest friends. They copy each other and follow each other around. Secretly I hope when they are old enough they fall in love, get married, and produce beautiful curly haired grandchildren. I'm looking forward to more adventures with Jenny and I hope she knows I love her and appreciate her friendship very much. She is awesome!

The kids had fun eating their ice cream. Of course they all wanted refills on the whip cream!

He's Okay!

Well Monday we thought we had lost our Rowdy Mcmuffin. He couldn't walk, eat, or do much of anything. It was very traumatic for me. I was carrying him to the car to go to the vets and he had a massive seizure and fell out of my arms. Needless to say I ended up handling the situation like a pro................I started screaming for help while I looked at Rowdy and my now crying daughter totally helpless. The vet told me to plan for the worst. So we gave the Ashlee (my sister in-law) and Glenna (my mother-in-law) a call. They came over to spend time and say goodbye. I guess Rowdy was just feeling like he needed some love because Tuesday morning he woke up, ran to the back door to go potty, and hasn't slowed down since. We all have our moments when Rowdy can bug us but I think now I'm going to appreciate him more. Sometimes it's hard to live with him, but I don't think I'm ready to live without him.