Monday, April 21, 2008

Kacy Tagged Me So Here Ya Go!

What were you doing 5 years ago?

5 years ago Cody & I were not together. I was going to school (one math class), working, going out with Kacy and friends. I wasn't happy and didn't know anything about myself. It was a very hard time of life for me. But I'm glad it all happened.

5 things on my List of To-do Today

1. work-out (accomplished by some miracle)
2. walk the dogs (got this done as well)
3. Laundry (workin' on it)
4. Yard Work
5. Take a much dredded trip to Wal-Mart

5 Snacks I love:
1.Movie Theatre Popcorn
2.Chips & Salsa
3. Fruit cream (is that a snack?)
5.Goldfish Crackers

5 Things I would do if I became a Billionaire:
2.Pay off all my debt
3. Buy a small but cute house on a bunch of land and get some horses
4. Make my parents retire and buy them anything they want
5. Try to find a charity to get involved with---No More Homeless Pets
--This list could be alot longer---

5 bad habits:
1. Complaining
2. Comparing myself to others
3. Being un-motivated
4. Lack of self confidence
5. Not being happy with all that I'm blessed with.

5 places I have lived

2. Kaysville
3. Salt Lake
5. That's it!

5 Jobs I have had:
1.Robintino's (bus girl and eventually hostess)
2. Bisys
3. AppleTree Assisted Living
5.South Davis Community Hospital,

Tag you are it.
(That's the only people I know who havn't already been tagged)

1 comment:

"Jo" in many sizes said...

I'd go for a cute but BIG house. With all that money, you don't have to clean it. Ok, medium size. Then you don't get lost in it.